Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Growing like a weed

Well, I'm at 17 weeks :) I had no idea I would be this big so early, but I guess after your first pregnancy, you start to show a lot earlier. Only a week and half until we find out the gender :)

The baby has been moving around a little bit, which is such an awesome feeling. Its hard to realize that its not Isaiah in my tummy anymore. Every time I felt those kicks I associated it with the little boy in my tummy, but its weird knowing that its a whole different person in there. The movements may feel the same, but the person in there is totally different. Possibly a different gender, different face, different hair (hopefully more) different personality, different future ahead of them.

Isaiah is growing so fast! I can't believe his 1st birthday is just around the corner. He's becoming quite the little man. He's has a huge personality and is very independent. He's already started throwing temper tantrums and laughs when I tell him "no." He's going to be a handful! He has no idea he's getting a brother or sister in the next few months, but I'm anxious to see how he will react. He will only be 16 months old when the baby is born so I'm sure he will let us know how he feels.

This pregnancy has been so wonderful so far. I had no morning sickness and have had a good amount of energy, which is good considering I chase around Isaiah all day. The only thing I've struggled with is a little bit of depression. My hormones have been unbelievable and I already struggle with seasonal depression. I tried anti-depressants for a little bit, but I didn't like the side effects so I've been trying to keep the shades open to help get some sun, and making sure I'm getting enough sleep. It has helped a little but some days are worse than others. Hopefully once spring hits I will be in better spirits. Winter has always been hard for me, but its been significantly worse since I can't really go anywhere and I'm coped up in the house all day. I'm really looking forward to the summer and taking Isaiah swimming and playing at the park. But for now, we're getting through the winter and trying to keep ourselves entertained inside. Right now, we just get through one day at time.

Basketball season is almost over, which means I will have my husband back! Its been hard the past couple of months with him coaching on top of being at church all the time. I rely on his help so much that its hard when I only see him for 20 minutes a day. Thankfully, winter has been on my side this year and has caused a few canceled practices and games here and there. Him and Isaiah have really gotten close the past month. Isaiah LOVES his daddy!!!! He squeals and screams when Chris comes home, its so adorable. They have their fun games and songs that they sing. Chris is such a great father and Isaiah couldn't have more fun with him. He's so excited to have another baby. I think he secretly wants another boy so he can start his own basketball team in the near future but I think he also has a sweet spot for a little daddy's girl.

I'm counting down the days until we find out the gender of the baby! I have a really good feeling that its a girl. I don't care either way, but I totally wouldn't mind having a little doll to dress up. Isaiah's not really into clothes :( But having two boys would be a riot and lots of fun! We are going to try to keep the gender a secret, but we'll see how long I can go!

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