Monday, February 4, 2013

New things to come :)

Well, its finally time. I've been anxiously awaiting the past few weeks to be sure I was in the clear, and today I got the go ahead to announce that another little Lorentz baby has taken home in my belly :) Its been a stressful few weeks of waiting to see if this baby would make it past the same point we lost Riley. After an ultrasound today, I saw a VERY wiggly little peanut with a great heartbeat!
This baby is truly a gift :) So much so that on Christmas Day was when I received a postive pregnancy test. Chris and I are thrilled to welcome a new little one, as are kids.
So far, this pregnancy has been very different than my pregnancy with Riley. I've been very sick, tired, crampy, moody...everything in the book. I found myself praising the Lord as I'm puking up my dinner. Its been a very emotional few weeks. Thankfully, consistant illness in my house has helped keep my mind off of it. Having stomach flu, strep, croup and sinus infections in our house all of January kept me focused on other things :) So, I'm just about 10 weeks and baby should be here the end of August!!! Thank you Jesus for new life!

1 comment:

Sabrina said...

This is awesome! Congratulations!