Friday, March 5, 2010

21 weeks

I'm officially half way through :) At 21 weeks, I'm feeling more and more pregnant by the day. So far this pregnancy has been a breeze, but now its starting to catch up to me. My belly is growing a lot faster than it did with Isaiah, which has taken a toll on my body. I had to get a pregnancy back brace just to stand up or longer periods of time. But, thankfully, everything has been going smoothly.

This past month has been great butat my 19 week appointment week we got some unsettling news about our baby. Turns out, the baby has a genetic deformity in the feet, called Club Foot. Its where the babies feet grow inward rather than straight out. This is a minor thing that can be fixed after birth and for a few years following. I was shocked to hear the news but relieved to know that it can be fixed. Turns out, it runs on Chris' side of the family, which we didn't know. I have an ultrasound in a couple of weeks with a high risk OB to check it out again and talk about the options when baby is born. The shock has worn off, and I'm just happy that everything else checked out fine. Even though worse things could be wrong, you still never want something to be wrong with your baby.

Isaiah is doing well ;) He's become a full fledge toddler! He's almost walking and constantly tearing apart the house. His birthday is in a few weeks, so we're getting ready for that extravaganza! He has definitely developed his personality the past few months. He can be stubborn but loves to laugh and play. He is a very curious boy and will smile at just about anyone. We've been going to quite a few playdates to try to get him used to having friends. Right now, he's seems to be freaked out by other kids but I'm sure that will change soon. He loves the dogs and will take any chance to show them affection. His vocabulary now includes Mama, Dada, Baba and sometimes All Done. He loves to scream and squeel when he's excited. He's also learned to clap and say YAY when something excited happens. He's been doing great with sign language too! He can wave bye bye, say "please" and "all done". Right now we're working on Thank You. He's been quite the handful but is really fun little boy. He makes me laugh everyday and loves to give mom and dad hugs :) His favorite songs are anything from Veggie Tales, The wheels on the bus and the Itsy Bitsy Spider. He loves reading books and will often sit and read by himself. He loves bathtime but hates getting dressed, which is the complete opposite from when he was born. He used to hate being naked and now I have to chase him to put his clothes on! With that also came the self-realization that he is in fact, a boy. I wanted him to wait as long as possible to find his "parts" but alas, there they were one day and now its one of his favorite toys during bath time.

Its been pretty crazy around here but I wouldn't ask for anything else. 4 more months until C.J. arrives and we are so excited! I'm trying to enjoy my one on one time with Isaiah while I have it because I know the boy will be super jealous when we bring the new baby home. I can't believe he's going to be a big brother and I'm excited to see how he grows and reacts to his new sibling :)

The next few months we will probably start the early stages of potty training. We'll see how that goes. I'm hopeful, but realistic that it won't happen overnight let alone by the time he's three.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Ashley, as far as potty training, my cousin has friends who recommended this book "How To Potty In a Day" or something to that effect (she couldn't remember the exact title when my cousin asked), and all three of this woman's children were potty trained in just one day! It's worth a shot, right? See if you can find it on Amazon.

Enjoy your growing family!

--Rebecca Nelles